June 20, 2024
Wiley Files Trade Petitions on Behalf of American Manufacturers of Low-Speed Personal Transportation Vehicles to Combat Illegal and Unfair Dumping and Subsidies from China
Washington, DC – The American Personal Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Coalition filed petitions charging that Chinese imports of low-speed personal transportation vehicles (CLSPTVs), including golf cars, PTVs, LUVs and LSVs, are materially injuring the American manufacturing industry. The Coalition is comprised of U.S. producers Club Car and Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., which manufactures E-Z-GO® and Cushman® vehicles. Wiley is representing the petitioner.
The petitions show that the state-supported Chinese industry is selling CLSPTVs in the United States at less than fair value – dumped at rates up to 477%, which significantly distorts the U.S. market. The petitions also demonstrate that foreign producers in China unfairly benefit from numerous countervailable subsidies provided by the Chinese government, such as tax breaks and discounted raw materials and inputs, which provide unfair and artificial advantages to the Chinese industry. These unfair advantages have allowed Chinese producers to gain significant market share at the expense of the U.S. industry and its workers.
The filing was made concurrently with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission in response to the surge in volumes of unfairly traded Chinese imports since 2021 that have materially injured American producers and workers. Chinese imports more than doubled from 2021 to 2023. And subject imports totaled more than $522 million in 2023. By using highly dumped and subsidized prices, Chinese producers have gained a significant and increasing share of the U.S. market at the direct expense of the American industry. Due to the increasing volumes of dumped and subsidized imports, U.S. producers have suffered significant declines in production, shipments, profits, and employment.
“We welcome the competition of a free and fair market,” said Rob Scholl, president and CEO of Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc. “We simply want the playing field to be leveled for all competitors by countering the unfair trade practices of the state-supported Chinese industry, so that our products can compete against these Chinese products on their own merits, unimpeded by unfair trade practices that ultimately harm American manufacturers, their employees and their customers.”
“We joined this coalition because we believe in competing fairly – whether on the 18th green or in neighborhoods across America. We expect our competitors to do the same,” said Mark Wagner, president and CEO of Club Car, LLC. “For U.S. manufacturers to make the cut, we need an environment where everyone follows the same rules and competes on a level playing field.”
“Trade relief is necessary to remedy the injurious effects unfairly traded Chinese imports have had on a quintessential American industry,” commented Robert E. DeFrancesco, III, partner in Wiley’s International Trade Practice and counsel to the petitioner, emphasizing that “the application of antidumping and countervailing duties will be vital to ensuring that low-speed personal transportation vehicles continue to be made in the United States using American-made steel and aluminum products.”
The Wiley team representing the petitioners also includes partners Derick G. Holt and Greta M. Peisch, associates Theodore P. Brackemyre, Jacob Garten, and Patrick Griffo, and international trade analysts Richard F. DiDonna, Benjamin A. Luberda, Amy E. Sherman, and Paul A. Zucker.
For more information, please contact:
Robert E. DeFrancesco, III