There’s a good chance that Electric Cars will account for all new vehicle sales in Europe by 2035

Electric Vehicles in Europe by 2035

Since the beginning of time, man has been working to make his life easier. First, he found fire and weapons. Soon he started to work with technology. Technology use to be simple like a lever, wheels, and tools. With the passage of time, it has been converted to computers, laptops and the smartphone.

Technology plays an important role in our lives and it would not be wrong to say that we are dependent on it for our leisure. Every new day comes with a new device or application.
The technological platform and marketplace has become so crowded that it often becomes hard to select which one would be best. Recently, electric cars have been introduced in the market and manufacturers claim that they are the vehicle of the future, which, is probably true. Let’s have a look as to why by 2035 the sales of electric cars will be affected.

Electric vehicles and our future

It is said that within less than 2 decades all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric. The three biggest reasons are:

  1. The government is supporting this movement
  2. Battery costs have fallen at a dramatic rate
  3. The ability to scale is attainable.

A few key notes to take into consideration:

  • Predictions about the electric car movement in Europe have been aggressive as the UK National Grid revealed that they expect, in Britain, 90% of new vehicles will be electrical by 2050.
  • France has committed to banning the sales of petrol and diesel car sales by 2040.
  • It’s being expected by banks that auto-lovers in Europe will prefer to purchase electric cars which will cause a sales increase between 2017 to 2024.
  • The charging infrastructure will become more widespread as the price will fall and the variety will increase.

Will all new cars sold in Europe be electric by 2035?

It’s being said that by 2026 concern regarding range will decrease. If you think about it, in previous years the maximum mileage of electric vehicles were roughly 100 to 150 miles and now they can easily reach 400 miles. So, to say that by 2026 we will start seeing electric vehicles going above 500 isn’t ludicrous.

According to recent reports, by the end of the next decade, most of the automotive manufacturers will solely focus on the development of electric vehicles. The beginner of this trend has been marked by Swedish company Volvo. They have stated that in 2019, they will be only manufacturing hybrids and 100% electric vehicles. This is quite a large, but necessary step for the future of the traditional car manufacturer.

There will be an imminent technological disruption in the automotive industry by electric vehicles near the beginning of 2020 and according to economist, Tony Seba, all vehicles will be electric around the globe by 2030.

Bottom line

It may be a bit of a stretch to say that all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2035. However, there’s no doubt that electric vehicles are going to be the new form of transportation around the world. With advances in technology, declining costs of batteries, and so many more factors, it’s safe to say that electric vehicles are the way of the future and heck, with the plethora of artificial intelligence advances, we probably won’t be driving our own vehicles much longer!

Chad has been in the golf cart industry for 5+ years utilizing his skills in sales and marketing as well as producing various online platforms for dealers and OEMs. He resides in a golf community in La Quinta, CA where he takes at least one golf cart ride a day around the neighborhood with his family.