It’s happening right in front of us. We do not always notice the golf carts running around in this world, but they are quite literally everywhere. They may not be carrying golf clubs as they typically do, but they are taking on the form of small electric vehicles and electric shuttle transportation units. Take a smart car for example. It may be a car, however so many of the parts and components used to make it are also used on a golf cart. So, what the heck is a Golf Cart? It’s everything from a LSV to a PTV to a small sized electric vehicle. The nomenclature has not been settled on, and that is why we are here. To help set the record straight and give you the information you need to understand this market and industry.
Now, to the actual point of this article. Recently, I spent a fair amount of time in Florence, Italy. If you have ever been to Florence, then you know how beautiful it is to walk around an open air museum. From the churches to the statues, walking around this bustling city is an absolute delight. However, sometimes it can get hot and stressful trying to get through all the hustle and bustle of tourists. And now, there is an answer!
Eco Green Tours in Florence, Italy is the perfect example of how golf carts are changing tourism. This company offers rides around the city for tourists at such a minimal cost because operating a golf cart costs so little! Imagine, you are driving around Florence enjoying a nice cold glass of wine while the fresh italian cuisine breeze hits you right in the face. This is the epicenter for the joy of golf carts. You are not in a rush to get from A to Z. You are in a rush to enjoy your surroundings with the peace from an electric engine and the brisk air hitting your skin.
So, to the point of the many UNESCO heritage sites around the world, maybe it is time to embrace the idea of starting an eco friendly tourism business such as Eco Green Tours. They are environmentally friendly and will allow for these heritage sites to continue on through the ages.
This may be the entire reason to life. Enjoy it! Retirees from all around the United States are congregating in communities full of golf carts! They enjoy the simplicity. They enjoy taking it all in. And, they enjoy riding around in their golf carts.